A day for pickling about and trying to organize all the stuff that's coming from the veg. plot at the moment. I've done two jars of onions, one of beetroot and have shallots and red cabbage soaking in brine for bottling tomorrow.
No pictures, I'm afraid. Anyway you'd have to be a bit funny to be excited by pictures of pickled onions.
More very strong winds forecast over the coming few days so I'll be picking up windfalls again. I just hope some manage to stay on the trees until they're ripe.
I was out with the dog this morning and noticed that there's an abundance of wild fruit again this year. Rowan berries, elderberries, haws, blackberries, crab apples and sloes. Not as many sloes as previous years but plenty of everything else. Trouble is I have so much garden fruit in the freezer waiting to be jammed that it would be pointless picking wild fruit just for the sake of it. I'll leave it for the birds.
As I don't like to post without a picture of something here's Skiddaw earlier in the year.
Yes, we do sometimes have blue skies in the Lake District.