Sunday, 10 April 2011

all hands on deck....

Well, it would have been if there were any hands other than my own to help with the work. Glorious weather this last few days and so much to do.

Planted out the last of the onion sets, giving me about 150 if they all survive. That should see us through the winter. The first shallots are storming away and dividing nicely. As an experiment  I started these off in pots in the greenhouse last autumn and overwintered them before planting out under cover in March. I would say it was a success as the rest of the crop is just starting to shoot now.

The greenhouse potatoes are getting a bit leggy so I’ve put them outside and they can stay there unless frosts are forecast. It should harden them up a bit and slow down the soft growth.

Seed sowing has been going on in earnest and now that I’m growing flowers as well as veg. there’s even more to do. I've already planted out some nasturtiums and the marigolds are just about ready to go among some of the carrots in the vain hope of deterring the dreaded fly.

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