The new shoots that were poking up a few weeks ago are now just sulking and, even though I covered the rhubarb with upturned pots it doesn't seem any bigger. Ah, well.
I have been sowing some cress just to get a crop of something, even if it is just a sandwich garnish! Onions and leeks are germinating in one of the propagators and I've also potted up some shallots in MPC to give them an early start. After potatoes I'd say that alliums were our most used veg. so I like to aim for an almost year-round supply if I can. The stored onions are now sprouting long shoots so they won't last much longer but I still have leeks on the plot and overwintered spring onions in the greenhouse.
Today's picture is just to remind me and everyone else that it really won't be long before the potting bench is awash with seedlings and young plants.